Thursday, June 3, 2010

A 2 week weekend!

It began on May 21st when my sister (Sarah Green of and her precious family came to visit for the week. We had family time in the morning (because David's job schedule has him home in the morning) and we ALL played together EVERY afternoon. It was a tiring and fantastic, Heaven-like adventure every day! Never mind that both my children were sick with one or all of the following: cough, runny nose, ear infection, teething emotional personality, exhaustion.

We then headed to Baton Rouge to spend Memorial Day weekend with David's family- including all his siblings!!! The trip was extended when David's dad found a listing in the paper for a VAN... that's right. Our search for our Van is over. It's a Honda, and I am in love! It was a great experience (minus finding out that most car salesmen have microphones in their offices to listen to you when they "step out" for a minute to talk to their manager.)

Here are ALL the pictures, and that's why it's in slide show form... though the batteries in the camera died soon after arriving to Baton Rouge. Peace.

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