The chapel built by Saint Maximillian Mary Kolbe and his companions. This was a Franciscan friar who went to Auschwitz because he was priest and took the place a man who was going to be exterminated (a man who was married with 5 children).
The Bapstismal font of Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul 2). To put it in another way, the place where Karol Wojtyla was claimed for Christ and the place from which all the graces of his baptism flowed... he contributed to the downfall of communism, the awareness of the true dignity of woman, one of the greatest popes, I would argue and the list goes on and on.
A 3 hour workshop on beginning an abstinence education program (Note John Paul 2's bust on the side of the wall)
Giving his talk in the City Hall
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