James/Therese is 31 weeks and 4.6 pounds... so adding an average of 1/2 a pound a week, we're looking at an over 8 pounder. Woop Woop! Think that makes me scared? Heck no! It means that the child will get to 11-ish pounds SOONER and will sleep better sooner too... I pray. I wasn't told a heart rate this time, and it has varied between the 140s and 150's, so who knows. I was thinking it was a girl, then today while watching John Paul play with his cousin Madeline, something felt like this wouldn't be the way things were just yet. Plus, I thought John Paul was a boy the ENTIRE pregnancy. Ergo, it's probably a boy. James David. 2 crazy little boys jumping off the roof together (that's what David said). Somehow that's not so comforting. But we pray that God has many more in store for us... like 12 jumping off the roof together!
Either way we are doing well, growing fast... I have already gained 3o pounds, so I guess ice cream twice a day isn't a good decision for too much longer. Thank you Denise Austin for your pregnancy work out video and that spastic red head who assists you.
10 more weeks... to be with just one little munchkin, to guess what we're having, to dream that it will sleep and eat beautifully, to sleep 9 and 10 hours a night (in a row), to not nurse a baby (though it will have only been a 6 month break since John Paul), and my nesting phase is in FULL THROTTLE... I've swept three times today. I'll leave you with that.
Oh, and here's John Paul at a few days old. I can't wait to do this again!
I can't wait! You're making me get excited, and I've got a ways to go (24 more weeks - too long!) I'm thinking John Paul needs a brother, but then again, that may just be me wishing for a boy for myself...
Looking good, sister!
You kinda scared me there for a minute. On the list of updates it has a picture of David holding John Paul and the first line of your blog...so i thought there is David holding the new baby and he is 4 lbs and born at 31 weeks! Good thing I read the whole post! Enjoy the last few weeks of being a mommy of one!
I already can't wait to do it again (though I cannot imagine doing it 12 times)! My friend has a 1-week-old and I am already missing Drew being that little! With a heart rate like that, I would not be surprised if you had a girl! I know you can't necessarily base it off of that but...
Anyway, I can't wait to find out what it is either!
Isn't it crazy how fast the pregnancy goes when you already have one little one running around. I am anxious to know how big Eli will be. I have an ultrasound Feb. 4. Oh, and about the heart rate, Eli's has been fast the entire time. Everyone guessed girl for me, but they were wrong.
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