Monday, August 11, 2014


On Friday Therese brought me her workbook and said to me, "Mama please teach me!" How do you say no to that? I knew I wanted to begin earlier than most home school families because the baby is coming in March, and it would be ideal to be done with school by then. So if we begin early, and if we don't take off for Advent and Lent (which is what I did last year), then we should blow through the year in time for our next  little present to arrive...

I have misplaced ALL my home school supplies somewhere among our stored things. So I found these books at Costco and bought one for each of them...

This book has JP's work separated into many topics, not just reading and math, but phonics, reading comp, vocab, addition, time, money, etc. It's great.

Here's the kiddos at the work table. I would like to add that Therese also has on her plastic heels as well.

We're learning religion this year from the St Joseph's First Communion Catechism...

John Paul's first spelling lesson... this was week one. So what do I do now? Crazy smart kid.
And here is Therese's craft work... which of course used almost the entire container of glue... she's so eager to do work that I will have to find other stuff for her to do. John Paul was not interested in art/crafts,and PreK is not that involved in the home school world. I kept saying, "Therese, you're done with school, you can go play." But she refused to leave and ask for more things to do. 

And as for Jacob, he played magic tea party, then I let him mess around with scissors. You heard me. I was standing right there and he had a wonderful time and was totally occupied. Micah was in his bed and eventually fell asleep. I know that won't work everyday, but he's a climber and so if he's not napping he'll be attempting to climb the table. He's really not the "sit in his high chair and color" type, so I'll have to come up with something for him when he decides not to acquiesce to my napping request.

Good good first day! Praise God!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Oh, Lucia and Therese sound so much alike! Lucia begs for more to do and begs to do school everyday. I'm not sure how helpful it would be, but you can check my homeschooling tap on my blog for some of the ideas I did with Lucia for pre-k. God Bless!