Our precious nephew Luke Anthony, who was mentioned in an earlier
posthttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif is still in the hospital, but he is growing and learning to take a bottle and to nurse. We are hoping to have him out of the hospital by the end of the week - making it a month in NICU/Special Care nursery. His home is in Lafayette, but because his mommy went into labor in Baton Rouge, the whole family has been living in Baton Rouge since before Christmas. What a story. Please remember them in your prayers.

I cannot tell you how proud I am to know and love and be in the lives of Luke's mommy and daddy- Pete and Julia.

What patience, love, laughter, holiness, and joy from this family! I cannot imagine being called to such a battle, but watching them go through this has been so life giving. Not to mention their first born - Liam Kenny

What a gift this family is to us!
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