You know how sometimes when you say you're going to Paris or Florence, but you really mean Paris, Texas or Florence, South Carolina. Well, when I say that David is in Poland, I'm talking about the country... the birth place of the latest two popes. Nobody, including myself, should be shocked at this. Didn't you just get back from camp? Yes. Didn't he stay an extra week and get home yesterday at 5 in the morning? Yes again. And aren't you in the middle of selling your house and looking for another one in Lake Charles? Oh, yes, you are correct. You see, God has a great sense of humor and He likes to have lots of fun with the Dawson's. The truth is that we like it! Come on God give us another one... ok, you're pregnant. Oh right.
Anyway, David use to work for a state program called the Governor's Program on Abstinence (I know, he's pretty much the best man on the planet). Well, those people have asked him to journey to Poland (the country) to do a teacher training for Poland... or I guess a few people there. We don't really know a lot of details, and Mr. Full-of-Faith is on a plane to Atlanta, then Paris, then Warsaw. He returns on Sunday. Prayer is the key this week. If you think of it, pray for us... sell the house, find a house (that is free preferably) and that this disastrous mess of a house is all cleaned by a little fairy by the time we get back from Lake Charles. Have I mentioned that John Paul is the best... and is a trooper? Man, life is so worth it when you're married to (to reiterate) the greatest man on the planet and have the cutest kid ever.
Well written, Kate. You've got quite the bloggin' knack. :) Prayers your way. Looking forward to watching the chapters unfold.
After reading your exhausting post, your wedding photo caught my eye and I remembered the joy I experienced that day. What a beautiful, complicated little life. I love you.
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