John Paul has loved every minute of camp... bath time was no exception.

He met the love of his life, though an older woman. Anne Marie Flury is the daughter of a dear friend of ours. These two had a blast! What a gift to hear them laughing.

And so we close out the crazy chapter of our life. Did God really think we could do this and survive? No we never slept (ok like 3 times), and camp food puts some pounds on you (which I don't have to worry about anymore- woop woop!), but David changed lives again, and John Paul enjoyed the mountain air and learned so many things from the wonderful people he met! What a blessing. So what now? Well David will stay behind for a week to be with the youth group which he will be serving- the Queen of Heaven youth group is coming up from LAke Charles for this next week. John Paul and I will fly home on the 10th to start making the house a little more sellable and to spend time with our friends and family there. David travels to Poland (yes, the country) to teach the abstinence curriculum at a conference there (no I'm not kidding). He returns on the 23rd of this month, and we are "supposed" to be in Lake Charles by September first. That's a good one, I know. The 11th hour is usually when God does most of His work in the Dawson household. So if anyone wants to take a trip to Baton Rouge, John Paul and I will be a gruesome twosome for a couple of weeks- any takers? Is this really my life? I must admit I pictured it a bit more predictable and perhaps, smooth, but I wouldn't change ANYTHING!
hummmm...wow could John Paul look anymore like Anna Katherine in the bath picture?!?!
Caaaarazy!! Enjoy the ride girl. Know that you have tons of suppport on this end. Looking forward to catching up.
I'll be praying for you along the way! We know about the crazy life! It seems to be the norm for ministers.
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