Interested in feeling like you just might have a couple of ducks in a row? Want to keep up your prayer life, increase your prayer life, give your children a chance to feel successful around the house, have time for your husband? This book and
blog have really changed my life! Holly takes the five most important "things," and inspires, teaches, organizes, and directs you to set up a RULE in your own house. For those who have not heard such a word used in a positive light, a rule is known in the monastic world (i.e. monks, nuns, cloistered communities) as the way in which they work, pray, play, and live. Holly takes that same principle and applies it to our lives- those of us whose vocation is in our own homes. I was able to buy it on amazon for $2 with about that much for shipping. And I just may try to give a little book study-let via the blog. I'll have to see. Let me know if you're interested in doing a book study in the Lake Charles area... it's that good. It's that important.
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