Monday, April 23, 2012

April, Come she will...

Song reference anyone? A few things have gone on in April 1) Jacob is now 6 months old, he can sit up, he plays with toys with much enthusiasm, and he is sleep trained (i.e. we can put him down when he's tired, but still awake, and he can put himself to sleep without a big fight). In the last week, he has begun staying up 2 to 3 hours at a time during the day, so he's sleeping more than just 45 minutes at a time... can I get an "Amen"? He is so happy to be alive, to see/hear/play with Therese and John Paul, to nurse (and chat while nursing), and to play with Daddy. What a joy!
2) David will soon become the "Young Adult Minister" for OLQH, which means he will no longer be doing high school youth, but will be working with 18 to 39 year olds, and also married couples. He will also be helping with couples who are struggling. Be on the look out for some great things in this area!!
3) One of my closest friends Dori Place had a baby shower. Their story to parenthood is long with a lot of sorry and broken hearts, including 7 miscarriages, fertility craziness, etc. I am overjoyed to say that their baby boy will be born somewhere around June 9th! I was also able to be with our other friends from college - Karen and Cathy who are both expecting as well. Ok, you can say it, isn't it odd that I am the only one not pregnant in the group... pretty ironic.
4) My precious cousin Sye Broussard married the fabulous, loving, and beautiful Jackie Dove from Houma. almost everyone in our extended family came in, which hasn't happened since our wedding in 07. I got some great shots of it...
See? Aren't they great? Why didn't they hire me?

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