We are so grateful that Jacob was born on the FIRST feast of Blessed Pope John Paul II since his beatification back in May. This man, though he is John Paul's namesake, is a beloved, beatified, and holy man whom our family loves and asks intercession from quite often.
Our prayers for you were fervent and we are honored to have been able to intercede for you- our family and friends. Thank you for your prayers as well. He is beautiful and healthy and we are so happy to have him join our family. Just before I delivered Jacob, David (in an effort to help me refocus for a contraction, he told me that Andrew was praying for us - Andrew is the baby that we lost last November- and I wept. Looking back, I am a bit surprised that even in the of the pain of delivering the child coming because Andrew was NOT coming, I wept at his loss. He was with us through all of this, and he is our family's little Saint.
Here are a few of the pictures with our camera (whose batteries went dead right after Jacob's birth). When more come from the other cameras I will post. For now enjoy- drum roll......... JACOB JOSEPH DAWSON
(Our precious friends Carrie Chaumont and Fr. Nathan Long are Jacob's Godparents)
Your page is very well put together. I believe someone has a talent for design. This is just beautiful, to speak of your faith, your favorite Saint, and the wonderful birth of your child. The pictures really bring everything into focus. God has truly shown on a blessed couple. God bless!
Scott DeRouen
Congratulations! He is so beautiful. You go, momma!
I love him already. I love you guys so much!!! You are so blessed and such a blessing to others!
Hands down, the cutest one so far! (j/k) I will be up there as soon as I can to meet him! So happy your delivery was swift! Love you all!
Congrats, Dawsons!
Congratulations Dawsons!! Way to birth Kate! He is dreamy :)
Simply Beautiful!!!
To late I already got this name
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