My sister, my brother Joseph and I enjoying Madeline's birthday cake.

Sarah was able to meet Therese for the first time on this trip. Madeline refers to her as "my baby"

John Paul? Though it looks JUST like John Paul, this is Madeline in her Dora costume! Isn't that nuts!

Our precious Therese napping in her sling (not the recalled one). That girl loves her sleep! PRAISE GOD!

Such a boy!

And while we're on the topic of stolen pictures, these were taken by the photographer at my sister-in-law's wedding back in September. I know it has nothing to do with Sarah and their trip, but I love them, and I'm quite sure that you haven't seen them before. These are my in-laws. You can just imagine how easily I fit in!
Yes, David is hanging John Paul upside down behind him in one of them.
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