In the Catholic church, we are baptized as infants. I was taught that a major reason for this is because it shows us that God chooses us as His own before we EVER have that capacity to chose Him. It was also compared with His choosing Mary as the mother of Jesus before she had made the choice to say yes to being His mother.
On Sunday, Therese was baptized, and one thing the priest said before he anointed her with Chrism was "I claim you for Christ" and he made the sign of the cross on her forehead. Yes, I cried when he said that. Then he said, "This child is no longer yours" and proceeded to remind us that our children are gifts from God to love as He calls us to do and to bring them up in the way of faith. No easy task I'm seeing. We had a lot of friends and family there to experience this beautiful and very important sacrament in Therese's life. So, as we said after the baptism, "SHE'S IN!"
kate she is sooo sweet. what a special time for ya'll. i just got your post on my blog and just wanted to let you know that we just moved back to Lake Charles. Here is my # 794-0461 so we can get in touch. PLAYDATES ARE A MUST!!!!!
Yeah! I was so sad we weren't there. The picture of Therese with Fr. Nathan is beautiful, true joy!
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