We are here at Camp Kahdalea in Brevard, North Carolina! It's rainy and cool, and John Paul slept peacefully through a HUGE rain storm, even though we are in a cabin with screen windows. David and I were up half the night wondering if "that thunder woke him up?... do you think he's ok?... I'll just check on him..."
We are adjusting well, and everyone here- I mean EVERYONE- is ready to help and is totally in love with John Paul, our sweet little man. As you can imagine, if you've ever been to "camp," there are a lot of people everywhere you go, and there is a lot of noise and stimulation, so he NEEDS NEEDS NEEDS his sleep. He's napping supurbly - despite it being in a different place each time as we settle in and figure things out- and he wakes up at 6 or so, only to nurse and sleep between us until 8 or so. David will be on the paddling staff, so he will be in the white water rivers and lakes of North and South Carolina all summer, so please keep his safety in your prayers. We are blessed that the Trufant family (owners and directors) have their home about 100 yards from the hustle and bustle, so we spend great time together up here. God is so gracious and merciful, and He is providing EVERYTHING we need- even a double matress to place on top of the two twin beds we've pushed together as well as a cabin that has 3 rooms to give John Paul his own room, and a "master" bedroom that has a couch and chairs in it. We're really roughing it up here.
check out the website, and I will post pictures soon!
Extremely jealous. And so excited that you guys have this opportunity as a family. Live it up, every minute, don't miss a thing! Love you!
Yay Dawson's! Can't wait to hear about camp adventures. There are ALWAYS camp adventures. :) Happy Days.
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