Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Didn't see that one coming, God!

Last Thursday, as we were preparing to send David off on his own to begin his new job in New Orleans while we stayed behind to sell our house, David received a call from the Archbioshop (Aymond... remember it, he will probably be a cardinal one day). He said to David something along the lines of: so I hear that you haven't been able to sell your house yet. I don't want you to live away from your family, so listen, the archdiocese owns a home that is vacant. Why don't you move your family into it until you sell your house in Lake Charles?

WOW! Generous, huh? So I asked David about a few things. Location? ACROSS THE STREET FROM HIS NEW JOB! How much is rent? FREE!! How long do we have? UP TO 6 MONTHS IF WE NEED IT! And my last question was "how big is it? Can we all fit?" Then I received this picture:

It was once a convent, then it was converted into a home for women and children in situations of domestic violence (The Crescent House) for almost 28 years, and just a few weeks ago, it became vacant. I have heard to called "The Cody Mansion"  by some. The archdiocese is planning to sell it, but Archbishop Aymond put that process on hold so that we could have somewhere to live. What man! What a boss! What a shepherd!

It's almost 5000 sq feet and has (not pictured) a side yard that has playground equipment that the Crescent House has (for now) left behind when they relocated. It's looks like a park on the side yard.

Why do I tell you all these details? Because we were at a stand still with our house, and we new our price was right and that we were doing what God was asking us to do, so we asked for help from Him. What asked for his Providence. We needed something to happen otherwise we were going to have to live apart for an unknown amount of time. This is what He came up with!! What sovereignty, huh?!?!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In All your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."

Please don't think that I am some perfectly patient discern-er here. I was begging David to call someone and ask for a room for him at the Seminary (also across the street, where he use to live, which is ironic), and I got one fever blister, one cold, stress headaches almost daily, and was workin on an ulcer. But David was a precious companion and kept reminding us that God was going to take care of this. So we prayed, we trusted, we waited...

Now it means that in less than 4 days we will be packed up and gone, and this is difficult for us. It seems almost unbearable to leave behind ur precious friends and family.  I pray for peace and trust in His providence, which He has and is always so faithful with this. I place my hope in this and the joy of not having to live apart. I would have stayed in a tent if it meant that we could stay together, but THIS is what we have been given.

To my dear friends- I love you I love you I love you. God showered down so many of you into my life and you will FOREVER have a place in the deepest part of my heart. Know of my gratitude for your lives, your love, your children, and your laughter... and tears. God is faithful! He is sovereign, and His mother intercedes for our needs UNCEASINGLY!  Let us all keep that reality in our hearts to bring us consolation and hope.

I'll write again soon from our new place in New Orleans....

Thursday, June 12, 2014

And now for something lighter...

David sent me this today, and I almost had an accident. Hope your continence is better than mine:

Friday, June 6, 2014

Who I want to be and who I really am...

Who do I want to be?

This mom...

And this mom...

And this mom...

And this mom...

And pretty much this mom...

The reality is that this is who I am...

And this is who I am...

But as long as THIS is still me...

And as long as I still go daily to this...

And this...

And place myself here at every hour...

And operate out of the reality that Mary's intercession can do this...

Then I can do this...

In other words... I will have the capacity to do what I cannot on my own.

Man I sure hope I can practice what I preach. I am at a place where our house isn't selling, so we can't really make a move on a new one in a new town 3 hours away. I am staring July 1st in the face like it's ready to punch me in the face because David will have to go to start his new job regardless of where we are with the housing situation. And I am a task master to my children with constant house cleaning for the house to be show ready. I have told David that he didn't marry a power house woman who can handle this well (as if I needed to tell him that for him to see that was the case). I have decided to offer what I have to God... my weakness, my brokenness, my hot mess-ness. According to St Therese, offering that to Jesus turns his heart with such love and pity for us that He scoops down to reach us because He knows that we cannot climb that difficult way on our own. Guess it's time to see my weakness as a ticket to the fast track!! Anybody else want to hop on?