Having more children = more laundry. There are an additional 5 piles on the couch in the background.
We are praying family prayer with the advent wreath, and Jacob sets up all the chairs for us; then he proceeds to spend the entirety of prayer time switching from one chair/lap to another.
John Paul is like a super brother! Seriously, he is such an awesome kid. We are so blessed to have him in our family.
Micah Man is meeting one milestone after the other, sitting up, crawling, and pulling up has happened in less than one month... not joking. This is a first for us. John Paul and Therese sat up at 5 months then crawled at 8. Jacob sat up at 5 but didn't crawl until 10 months (which was such a beautiful thing.) This guy...
If you are wondering, these sets of pj's are worn pretty much every night by all three.
Is this kid cute or what?
David and I gave another Domestic Church retreat this past weekend... isn't David so handsome? Sigh...
Our friends the Franco's were participants in the retreat and brought their BEAUTIFUL baby Gianna, who is 2 weeks older than Micah. As Michael said, "Well, they've already attended a married couples retreat together...
(This one is Father Nathan Long, our dear friend telling the children the story of Queen Ester for the Jesse Tree)