Our Lady's message of April 2, 2011 to Mirjana
"Dear children; With motherly love I desire to open the heart of each of you and to teach you personal unity with the Father. To accept this, you must comprehend that you are important to God and that He is calling you individually. You must comprehend that your prayer is a conversation of a child with the Father; that love is the way by which you must set out - love for God and for your neighbour. That is, my children, the love that has no boundaries, that is the love that emanates from truth and goes to the end. Follow me, my children, so that also others, in recognizing the truth and love in you, may follow you. Thank you."
Once again Our Lady called us to pray for our shepherds (priests) and said: "They have a special place in my heart. They represent my Son."
Also, my precious David planted a rose garden for us in the front of our house. They bloomed on the feast of the Annunciation- not a coincidence! Here are a few shots of his great work: Thank you, sweet spouse. I love you and I am so proud of you.