... was our Blessed Mother. Today we celebrate HER conception- her sinless conception. I think if we (despite our religious beliefs) reflect for a moment of the magnitude of Christ's life- His love, His mercy- we will not be able to help but reflect on the magnitude of His mother. Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us.
A classic song from high school days... one of many songs that had no meaning, yet was played as loud as possible in my little purple altima.
Sorry, that was not the reason for this post.
I am checking in with blog world to let whoever is wondering know that we are here, we are well, we are healing, and we are joyful! I have not posted a single picture in about 2 months- two laptops that we have had over five years would be the reason. A new-to-us computer is on the way (thanks Mom and Daddy Darbonne).
John Paul's vocabulary has sky-rocketed, making any and every conversation with him a wonderful delight. Therese is currently hitting the following developmental milestones all at once: cutting her first tooth, cutting her second tooth, scooting, crawling, pulling up, pincer grasp...ing(?). Hence... a long posting absence.
Pictures are coming soon! For now enjoy a video from John Paul's 8th month... no it's not Therese. Don't be fooled.